Complete Operator’s Manual for John Deere 5620, 5720, 5820 Tractors, with all the technical information to maintain and operate.
OMLG100524 English – John Deere 5620, 5720 and 5820 Tractors (European Version) Operator’s Manual.pdf
omlg100236 Turkish – NÁVOD K POUŽÍVÁNÍ Traktory 5620, 5720 a 5820
omlg100239 Polish – INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI Ciągniki 5620, 5720 i 5820
omlg100238 Bulgarian – Tpaктopи 5620, 5720 и 5820
omlg100242 Latvian-lettish – EKSPLUATÂCIJAS INSTRUKCIJA Traktori 5620, 5720 un 5820
omlg100246 Estonian – KASUTUSJUHEND Traktorid 5620, 5720 ja 5820
omlg100248 Serbian – PRIRUČNIK ZA RUKOVAOCA 5620, 5720 i 5820 Traktori
omlg100373 French – Tracteurs 5620, 5720 et 5820 (European Version)
omlg100376 Dutch – GEBRUIKSHANDLEIDING Trekkers 5620, 5720 en 5820
omlg100378 Danish – INSTRUKTIONSBOG Traktorer serie 5620, 5720 og 5820
omlg100380 German – Traktoren 5620, 5720 und 5820
omlg100383 Italian – Trattori 5620, 5720 e 5820 (European Version)
omlg100385 Finnish – KAYTTOOHJE Traktorit 5620, 5720 ja 5820
omlg100387 Swedish – INSTRUKTIONSBOK Traktorer 5620, 5720 och 5820
omlg100389 Norwegian – INSTRUKSJONSBOK 5620, 5720 og 5820 traktorer
omlg100391 Portuguese – Tratores 5620, 5720 e 5820 (European Version)
omlg100393 Greek – BIBΛIO XEIPIΣTH Tρακτέρ 5620,5720 και 5820
omlg101376 Slovenian – NAVODILO ZA UPRAVLJANJE Traktorji 5620,5720 in 5820
omlg101378 Croatian – PRIRUČNIKZARUKOVANJE 5620, 5720 i 5820 Traktori
Total Pages: 503 pages
File Format: PDF (Internal Links, Bookmarked, Table of Contents, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English etc.
Section 00: Identification Views….15
Identification Views….15
Section 05: Safety….16
Recognize Safety Information….18
Understand Signal Words….19
Follow Safety Instructions….20
Prevent Machine Runaway….21
Use Seat Belt Properly (If Equipped)….22
Work In Ventilated Area….23
Driving the Tractor Safely….24
Operating the Tractor Safely….26
Keep Riders Off Machine….28
Parking and Leaving the Tractor….29
Avoid Eye Contact With Radar….30
Handle Fuel Safely-Avoid Fires….31
Prepare for Emergencies….32
Wear Protective Clothing….33
Avoid Contact with Pesticides….109
Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines….35
Use Safety Lights and Devices….36
Safely Transporting the Tractor….303
Towing Trailers/Implements Safely (Mass)….38
Freeing a Mired Machine….39
Practice Safe Maintenance….40
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating….41
Service Accumulator Systems Safely….42
Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines….43
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids….44
Store Attachments Safely….45
Service Cooling System Safely….46
Retighten Wheel Nuts….47
Prevent Acid Burns….48
Support Machine Properly….50
Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely….51
Service Tires Safely….52
Dispose of Waste Properly….53
Section 10: Safety Decals….54
Pictorial Safety Signs….55
Operator's Manual….56
Rockshaft Remote Control….193
Radar Sensor….59
Compressed Air Tank for Trailer Brake….60
Pick-Up Hitch….299
Keep Wheel Retaining Bolts Tight….62
Section 15: Controls and Instruments….63
Vehicle controls….64
PTO Controls….66
Reduction Gear Controls….67
Attachment Controls….68
Heater and Air-Conditioning Controls….69
Indicator Lights and Displays (Tractors with PowrQuad Transmission)….70
Indicator Lights and Displays (Tractors with PowrQuad Plus Transmission)….75
Performance Monitor….82
Data Entry Mode….84
Operating Touch Pad Switches….85
Operation and Calibration….86
Wheel Slip (3)….88
Vehicle Speed (6)….90
Service (8)….92
Backlight Brightness-Cab Displays….63
Adjusting Backlight-Performance Monitor….82
Section 20: Lights….96
H4 Farm Headlights….97
Light Switches (Tractors with PowrQuad Transmission)….98
Light Switches (Tractors with PowrQuad Plus Transmission)….99
Operating the Hazard Warning Light Switch….100
Switches for Turn Signal Lights and Horn (Tractors with PowrQuad Transmission)….101
Switches for Turn Signal Lights and Horn (Tractors with PowrQuad Plus Transmission)….102
Worklight Switches….103
Seven-Terminal Trailer Socket….128
Section 25: Operator's Cab….106
Roll-Over Protective Structure….107
Seat Belt….108
Avoid Contact with Pesticides….109
Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides….111
Comfort Seat….112
Super Comfort Seat….113
Instructional Seat….114
Opening Windows….115
Opening Sun Roof (Option)….116
Windshield Wiper and Washer System….117
Fan and Air Louvers….119
Air Condtioning System….121
Storage Rack….122
Additional Storage Area….123
Dome Light….124
Adjusting the Steering Wheel….125
Beacon Light….126
Installing the Monitor….127
Multiple Power-Outlet Socket Strip….130
Service ADVISOR SERVICE ADVISOR is a trademark of Deere & Company Socket….128
Section 30: Break-in Period….132
After the First 4 and 8 Hours of Operation….133
Within the First 100 Hours of Operation….134
After the First 100 Hours of Operation….135
Section 35: Prestarting Checks….140
Prestarting Checks….140
Section 40: Operating the Engine….463
Starting the Engine With a Slave Battery….144
Starting the Engine….463
Cold-Weather Starting Aids….146
Electrical Starting Aid….147
Coolant Heater….148
Starting with a Booster Battery….149
Fuel Preheater….150
Engine Warm-Up Period….151
Engines with Turbocharger….152
Towing the Tractor….304
Parking the Tractor….154
Stopping the Engine….463
Battery Cut-Off Switch (If Equipped)….156
Chock Block (If Equipped)….157
Section 45: Operating the Tractor….158
Reduce Fuel Consumption….159
Select Correct Ground Travel Speed….163
Travel Speeds….165
Shifting the PowrQuad Transmission….465
Shifting the PowrQuad Plus Transmission….465
Shifting the Reduction Gear….171
Engaging Front Wheel Drive….172
Engaging the differential lock….173
Hydraulic Foot Brakes….174
Hydraulic Trailer Brakes….175
Trailer air brake….176
Section 50: Rockshaft and Three-Point Hitch….178
Rockshaft Control….179
Headland Management System HMS II (If Equipped) – Basic Principles….181
Headland Management System HMS II – Details….186
Rockshaft Remote Control….193
Height Adjustment….194
Transporting Mounted Implements….195
Hitch Dampening….196
Adjusting Rate of Implement Drop….197
Depth Adjustment….198
Load/Depth Adjustment….199
1 Depth Control….200
2-4 Mixed Control….201
5 Load Control….202
Float Position….203
Direct Actuation….204
Three-point hitch….205
Flat Steel Draft Links….206
Telescopic Draft Links….207
Quick-Coupling (Hook-Type) Draft Links….208
Attaching Three-Point Hitch Mounted And Drawn Implements….211
Leveling the Implement….212
Center Link….213
Hydraulic Center Link (Option)….214
Center Link Positions….215
Lift Links….216
Adjusting for Vertical Float….218
Stabilizer Bar (If Equipped)….219
Stabilizing System (If Equipped)….221
Section 55: Power Take-Offs….223
PTO Guard….224
PTO Options….225
PTO Speeds….226
Front PTO….227
Operating Power Take-Offs….228
Operating the PTO by Remote Control….230
Reversing Rear PTO Shafts….232
Selecting Rear PTO speed….234
Attaching PTO-Driven Equipment….236
Section 60: Ballast….237
Selecting Ballast….238
Ballasting Rear Wheels….239
Measuring Rear Wheel Slip….240
Installing Weights on Flanged Axle….241
Filling Tires with Liquid Ballast….242
Draining the Tires….243
Pre-Assembling the Pick-Up Weight….244
Attaching the Pick-Up Weight….246
With Weight in Three-Point Hitch….248
Installing Front Weights….249
Section 65: Wheel Tread, Tires….250
Adjusting Front Wheel Tread….251
Tighten Front Wheel Attaching Nuts….254
Checking Front Wheel Toe-In….255
Adjusting Toe-In….256
Adjusting the Fixed Fenders (Older Version)….257
Adjusting the Pivoting Fenders (Older Version)….260
Adjusting the Fixed Fenders (New Version)….263
Adjusting the Pivoting Fenders (New Version)….265
Adjusting Rear-Wheel Tread….267
Tread Widths….268
Tire Pressures….269
Mounting Tires….270
Tire combinations….271
Section 70: Additional Equipment….274
Selective Control Valves….275
Levers for Selective Control Valves….276
Multi-Function Lever….278
Rate of Cylinder Operation….279
Hose Unions….281
Maximum Permissible Oil Withdrawal….282
Remote Hydraulic Cylinder….283
Bleeding the Cylinder….284
Front Three-Point Hitch….285
Adjustable Drawbar….291
Proper Use of Drawbar….292
Adjustment of Drawbar….293
Front Jaw Hitch….294
Tow Hitch (Piton Fix)….295
Height-Adjustable Trailer Hitch….296
Remote Control (If Equipped)….298
Pick-Up Hitch….299
Section 75: Transport….302
Transporting the Tractor….303
Towing the Tractor….304
Driving on Public Roads….305
Section 80: Fuel, Lubricants, Hydraulic Oil and Coolant….306
Diesel Fuel….307
Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel….308
Diesel Engine Break-In Oil….309
Diesel Engine Oil….310
Transmission and Hydraulic Oil….312
Front-Wheel Drive Axle Oil….313
Oil Filters….315
Lubricant Storage….316
Mixing of Lubricants….317
Diesel Engine Coolant….318
Operating in Warm Temperature Climates….319
Drain Intervals for Diesel Engine Coolant….320
Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants….321
Section 85: Lubrication And Maintenance….322
Using High Pressure Washers….323
Lubrication and Periodic Service….324
Opening the Hood….325
Access to Battery….326
Access to Fuses….413
Important Instructions Regarding Alternator….328
Daily or Every 10 Hours….329
After the First 100 Hours….330
Every 250 Hours….331
Every 500 Hours….332
Every 750 Hours….333
Once Every Year….334
Every 1500 Hours or Every 2 Years….335
Every 2000 Hours….336
Every 3000 Hours or Every 3 Years….337
As Required….338
Section 90: Service / Daily or Every 10 Hours….339
Check Engine Oil Level….340
Check Fuel Filter….406
Checking and Draining the Compressed Air Trailer Brake System….342
Clean dust unloading valve….343
Rocker arm cover ventilation….344
Coolant Level….345
Checking on Lights….346
Other Service Jobs….347
Section 95: Service / Every 250 Hours….348
Servicing the Fuel Tank….349
Checking Transmission/Hydraulic System Oil Level….350
Checking Electrolyte Level of Battery….351
Lubricating the Front Axle and U.j. Shaft….352
Checking Oil Level in MFWD Axle Housing….354
Checking Oil Level in MFWD Final Drives….355
Check brakes….356
Check Handbrake….357
Check Park Lock (If Equipped)….358
Lubricating the Three-Point Hitch….359
Lubricate Front Three-Point Hitch….360
Lubricate the Pivoting Fenders….361
Lubricate Trailer Hitch….362
Lubricating the Pick-Up Hitch….363
Checking Neutral Start Circuit….364
Check PTO Safety Switch….366
Check Torques….367
Check Engine Drive Belt for Wear….371
Section 100: Service / Every 500 Hours….372
Change Engine Oil….373
Changing Engine Oil Filter….375
Replace Fuel Filter….376
Replace Primary Fuel Filter….377
Lubricating Rear Axle Bearings….378
Air Intake Hoses….379
Checking the Engine Ground Connection….380
Section 105: Service / Every 750 Hours….381
Check Engine Speeds….382
Replacing Transmission/Hydraulic System Filter Elements….383
Torque for Cab Mounting Screws….384
Section 110: Service / Once Every Year….385
Checking the Seat Belt (If Equipped)….386
Section 115: Service / Every 1500 Hours or 2 Years….387
Changing Oil in Front-Wheel Drive Axle….388
Changing Oil In Front-Wheel Drive Axle Housing….389
Changing Oil In Front-Wheel Drive Final Drives….390
Changing Transmission/Hydraulic Oil….391
Change Oil at Front PTO (If Equipped)….393
Section 120: Service / Every 3000 Hours or 3 Years….394
Changing Coolant….395
Section 125: Service / As Required….397
Engine Air Cleaner….398
Cleaning the Primary Filter Element….399
Cleaning a Dusty Element….400
Secondary (Safety) Element….401
Cleaning the Cab Air Filter….403
Keeping the Radiator Screen Clean….405
Check Fuel Filter….406
Bleeding the Fuel System….407
Lubricate All Lubricating Points….408
Operator's Seat….409
Prevent Battery Explosions….410
Battery – Checking Specific Gravity….411
Starter Motor….412
Fuse and Relay Boxes….415
Section 130: Troubleshooting….424
Hydraulic System….466
Electrical System….470
Section 135: Diagnostic Trouble Codes….429
What the Diagnostic Trouble Codes Mean….430
Customization (on tractors with PowrQuad Plus transmission)….431
General Operating Instructions and Entering Program Mode….432
Accessing Addresses and Diagnostic Trouble Codes….439
Diagnostic Trouble Codes on Basic Control Unit / Hitch Control Unit (BCU)….452
Diagnostic Trouble Codes on Basic Informator (BIF)….455
Diagnostic Trouble Codes on Electronic PowrQuad Controller (EPC)….456
Diagnostic Trouble Codes on Performance Monitor (PrF)….458
Section 140: Storage….459
Storage for Long Period….460
Removing Tractor From Storage….461
Section 145: Specifications….462
PTO Power Output….464
Hydraulic System….466
Loads and Weights….467
Towed Mass….468
How to Calculate Permissible Mass….469
Electrical System….470
Sound Level….472
Load Capacity of Tires, Front Axle Load….473
Load Capacity of Tires, Rear Axle Load….474
Load Capacity of Tires With Front Loader….475
Declaration of Conformity….476
Safety Note Regarding the Subsequent Installation of Electrical and Electronic Appliances and/or Components….477
Section 150: Serial Numbers….478
Type Plates….479
Product Identification Number….480
Engine Serial Number….481
Transmission Serial Number….482
Front-Wheel Drive Axle Serial Number….483
Section IBC: John Deere Service Keeps You on the Job….484
John Deere Parts….485
The Right Tools….486
Well-Trained Technicians….487
Prompt Service….488
John Deere 5620, 5720, 5820 Tractors Operator’s Manual (OMLG100524)