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John Deere 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE and 6410SE Tractors Operator’s Manual (OMAL116312)


Complete Operator’s Manual for John Deere 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE and 6410SE Tractors, with all the technical information to maintain and operate like professional mechanics.

OMAL116312 English – John Deere 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE and 6410SE Tractors Operator’s Manual.pdf
omal116289 English – 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 and 6410 Tractors ( -266766) Operator’s Manual
omal116288 German – Traktoren 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 und 6410 ( -266766)
omal116290 French – Tracteurs 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 et 6410 ( -266766)
omal116292 Swedish – Traktorer 6010, 6110, 620, 630 oct 6410 ( – 266766)
omal116293 Norwegian – Traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 og 6410
omal116294 Danish – Traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 og 6410 (til serienummer 266766)
omal116295 Finnish – Traktorit 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, ja 6410 (Sarjanumeroon 266766 asti)
omal116296 Italian – Trattori 6010-6410 ( -266766)
omal116297 Dutch – Trekkers 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 en 6410 (toto serienummer 266766)
omal116298 Portuguese – Tratores 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 e 6410 ( -266766)
omal117491 Greek – 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, 6410
omal117591 Hungarian – A 6010, 6110, 6210 6310 es a 6410 Traktorok
omal119760 Latvian-lettish – 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 ir 6410 Serijos Traktoriai
omal153026 Czech – Traktory 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 a 6410 ( 266767 – )
omal153569 Arabic – 6410, 6310, 6210, 6110, 6010
omal154737 Hebrew – 6410, 6310, 6210, 6110, 6110
omal116300 English – 6510, 6610, 6810 and 6910 Tractors ( -266766) Operator’s Manual
omal116299 German – Traktoren 6510, 6610, 6810 und 6910 ( -266766)
omal116301 French – Tracteurs 6510, 6610, 6810 et 6910 ( -266766)
omal116303 Swedish – Traktorer 6510, 6610k 6810 oct 6910 ( – 266766)
omal116304 Norwegian – 6510, 6610, 6810 og 6910 Traktorer (til serienr. 266766)
omal116305 Danish – Traktorer 6510, 6610 6810 og 6910 (til serienummer 266766)
omal116306 Finnish – 6510, 6610, 6810 ja 6910 Traktorit (sarjanumeroon 266766 asti)
omal116307 Italian – Trattori 6510, 6610, 6810 e 6910 ( -266766)
omal116308 Dutch – Trekkers 6510, 6610 6810 en 6910 (tot serienummer 266766)
omal116309 Portuguese – Tratores 6510, 6610, 6810 e 6910 ( -266766)
omal117492 Greek – 6510, 6610, 6180, 6910
omal117594 Czech – Traktory 6510, 6610, 6810 a 6910
omal117595 Hungarian – A 6510, 6610, 6810 es a 6910 Traktorok
omal117596 Polish – Ciagniki 6510, 6610, 6810, i 6910
omal119759 Bulgarian – 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910
omal119762 Latvian-lettish – 6510, 6610, 6810 ir 6910 serijos traktoriai
omal116311 German – Traktoren 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE und 6410SE
omal116313 French – Tracteurs 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE et 6410SE
omal116315 Swedish – SE-Traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 och 6410
omal116316 Norwegian – SE-traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, og 6410
omal116317 Danish – SE-traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 og 6410
omal116318 Finnish – SE-Traktorit 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 ja 6410
omal116319 Italian – Trattori SE 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 e 6410
omal116320 Dutch – SE-trekkers 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 en 6410
omal116321 Portuguese – Tratores SE 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 e 6410
omal118395 Hungarian – A 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 es a 6410 SE Traktorok
omal119761 Czech – Traktory rady SE 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 a 6410
omal153029 Icelandic – SE-Drattarvelar 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 og 6410
omal153032 Latvian-lettish – SE Traktori 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 un 6410
omal153035 Slovenian – SE-Traktorji 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 in 6410
omal155900 Romanian – Tractoarele-SE 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, 6410
omal156359 Croatian – SE Traktori 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 I 6410
omal158989 Slovak – Traktory SE 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 a 6410
omal117821 English – 6510SE and 6610SE Tractors Operator’s Manual
omal117822 French – Tracteurs 6510SE et 6610SE
omal117820 German – Traktoren 6510SE und 6610SE
omal117825 Norwegian – SE traktorer 6510 og 6610
omal117827 Finnish – SE Traktorit 6510 ja 6610
omal117828 Italian – Trattori SE 6510 e 6610
omal117829 Dutch – SE trekkers 6510 en 6610
omal117830 Portuguese – Tratores SE 6510 e 6610
omal117846 Greek – SE 6510, 6610
omal155268 Polish – Ciagniki SE 6510 I 6610
omal152877 English – 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 and 6410 Tractors (266767- ) Operator’s Manual
omal152876 German – Traktoren 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 und 6410 (266767- )
omal152878 French – Tracteurs 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 et 6410 (266767- )
omal152880 Swedish – Trekker 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 och 6410 (serienr 266767 – )
omal152881 Norwegian – Traktorer 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 og 6410 (serienr 266767 – )
omal152882 Danish – Traktorer 6010, 6610, 6210, 6310 og 6410 (serienr. 266767- )
omal152883 Finnish – Traktorit 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 ja 6410 (Sarjanro 266767 – )
omal152885 Dutch – Trekkers 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 en 6410 (Serienr. 266767 – )
omal152884 Italian – Trattori 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 e 6410 (266767- )
omal152886 Portuguese – Tratores 6010, 6110, 6210,6310 e 6410 (266767- )
omal152908 Slovenian – Traktorji 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767 – ) in 6910S
omal152907 Polish – Ciagniki 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Nr Seryjane 266767 – ) I 6910S
omal153025 Croatian – Traktori 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, 6410 (266767 – )
omal153027 Icelandic – Dráttarvélar 6010,6110,6210,6310 og 6410 (Raðnr.266767-)
omal153031 Latvian-lettish – Traktori 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767 – ) un 6910S
omal153036 Turkish – Traktorler 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Seri No 266767 – ) un 6910S
omal152892 English – 6510, 6610, 6810 and 6910 (266767- ) and 6910S Tractors Operator’s Manual
omal152889 Slovenian – Trattori 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- ) e 6910S
omal152891 German – Traktoren 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- ) und 6910S
omal152893 French – Tracteurs 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- ) et 6910S
omal152897 Danish – Traktor 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (serienr. 266767 – )
omal152899 Italian – Trattori 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- ) e 6910S
omal152901 Portuguese – Tratores 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- ) e 6910S
omal152902 Greek – 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767- )
omal153028 Icelandic – Drattarvelar 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Raonr. 266767 – ) og 6910S
omal153570 Arabic – 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910, 6910S
omal153903 Croatian – Traktroi 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Serijski br. 266767 – ) I 6910S
omal154738 Hebrew – 6910 Si, 6910, 6810, (266767 – ), 6610, 6510
omal156054 Estonian – Traktorid 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Seerianr. 266767 – )
sbal116996 German – Traktoren 6010-6910S6205, 6505 undSE TraktorenWARTUNGSNACHWEISE -: (Europäische Version)
omal152900 Dutch – Trekkers 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (Serienr. 266767 – ) en 6910S
omal152887 Greek – 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310, 6441 (266767 – )
omal152888 Hungarian – A 6010, 6110, 6210, 6310 es a 6410 Traktorok (a 266767 – )
omal152904 Czech – Traktory 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767 0 (
omal152905 Hungarian – A 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (a 266767 – ) es a 6910S Traktorok
omal152906 Bulgarian – 6510, 6610, 6810, 6910 (266767 – ), 6910S

Total Pages: 432 pages
File Format: PDF (Internal Links, Bookmarked, Table of Contents, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English etc

Section 00: Identification Views….14
Identification Views….14
Section 05: Safety….15
Recognize Safety Information….16
Understand Signal Words….17
Follow Safety Instructions….18
Prevent Machine Runaway….19
Use Seat Belt Properly….20
Work In Ventilated Area….21
Driving the Tractor Safely….22
Operating the Tractor Safely….24
Keep Riders Off Machine….26
Parking and Leaving the Tractor….27
Handle Fuel Safely-Avoid Fires….28
Prepare for Emergencies….29
Wear Protective Clothing….30
Avoid Contact with Pesticides….80
Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines….32
Use Safety Lights and Devices….33
Safely Transporting the Tractor….259
Tow Loads Safely….35
Freeing a Mired Machine….36
Practice Safe Maintenance….37
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating….38
Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines….39
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids….40
Store Attachments Safely….41
Service Cooling System Safely….42
Retighten Wheel Nuts….43
Prevent Acid Burns….44
Support Machine Properly….46
Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely….47
Service Tires Safely….223
Dispose of Waste Properly….49
Section 10: Safety Decals….50
Pictorial Safety Signs….51
Operator's Manual….52
Rockshaft Remote Control….151
Compressed Air Tank for Trailer Brake….55
Pick-up Hitch….56
Keep Wheel Retaining Bolts Tight….57
Section 15: Controls and Instruments….58
Vehicle Controls….59
PTO and Creeper Controls….61
Attachment Controls….62
Heater, Air-Conditioning and Windshield Wiper Controls….63
Indicator Lights….70
Fuel Gauge….66
Coolant Temperature Gauge….67
Hour Meter….68
Section 20: Lights….70
Light Switch….71
Operating the Hazard Warning Light Switch….72
Switch for Turn Signal Lights and Horn….73
Worklight Switch….74
Seven-Terminal Trailer Socket….75
Section 25: Operator's Platform and Cab….77
Roll-Over Protective Structure….78
Seat Belt….79
Avoid Contact with Pesticides….80
Clean Vehicle of Hazardous Pesticides….82
Comfort Seat….83
Super Comfort Seat….84
Opening Windows….85
Windshield Wiper and Washer System….86
Blower and Air Louvers….87
Air Conditioning System….89
Dome Light….90
Adjusting Steering Wheel….91
Beacon Light….92
Step Adjustment….93
Installing Additional Controls….94
Hatch Positions….97
Section 30: Break-In Period….98
After the First 4 and 8 Hours of Operation….99
Within the First 100 Hours of Operation….101
After the First 100 Hours of Operation….102
Section 35: Prestarting Checks….104
Prestarting Checks….104
Section 40: Operating the Engine….384
Starting the Engine With a Slave Battery….107
Starting the Engine….384
Cold-Weather Starting Aids….109
Electrical Starting Aid….110
Coolant Heater….111
Starting with a Booster Battery….112
Fuel Preheater….113
Engine Warm-Up Period….114
Engines with Turbocharger….115
Towing the Tractor….260
Parking the Tractor….117
Battery Cut-Off Switch (If Equipped)….118
Stopping the Engine….384
Chock Block….120
Section 45: Operating the Tractor….121
Reduce Fuel Consumption….122
Choosing Correct Ground Speed….126
Travel Speeds, SyncroPlus Transmission (12/4)….128
Travel Speeds, Power Reverser (16/16)….131
Travel Speeds, Power Reverser (16/16)….131
Shifting SYNCROPLUS SYNCROPLUS is a trademark of Deere & Company. Transmission / Power Reverser….121
Shift Lever Positions….134
Travel Speeds, PowrQuad Transmission (16/16)….137
Travel Speeds, PowrQuad Transmission (16/16)….137
Shifting the PowrQuad Transmission….387
Shift Lever Positions, PowrQuad Transmission….387
Engaging Creeper Transmission….387
Engaging Front Wheel Drive….142
Engaging the Differential Lock….143
Hydraulic Foot Brakes….144
Hydraulic Trailer Brake….145
Air Brakes on Trailer….146
Section 50: Rockshaft and Three-Point Hitch….163
Rockshaft Control….149
Rockshaft Remote Control….151
Height Adjustment….152
Transporting Mounted Implements….153
Hitch Dampening….154
Adjusting Rate of Implement Drop….155
Depth Adjustment….156
Load/Depth Adjustment….157
1 Depth Control….158
2-4 Mixed Control….159
5 Load Control….160
Float Position….161
Direct Actuation….162
Three-Point Hitch….163
Flat-Steel Draft Links….164
Telescopic Draft Links….165
Quick-Coupling (Hook-Type) Draft Links….166
Attaching Three-Point Hitch Mounted And Drawn Implements….168
Leveling the Implement….169
Center Link….170
Center Link Positions….171
Lift Links….172
Adjusting For Vertical Float….173
Sway Blocks (If Equipped)….174
Stabilizer Chain (If Equipped)….175
Stabilizer Bar….176
Stabilizing System (If Equipped)….177
Adjusting Spreading Dimension….178
Section 55: Power Take-Off….180
PTO Guard….181
PTO Options….182
PTO Speeds….183
Front PTO….184
Operating Power Take-Offs….185
Reversing Rear PTO Shafts….187
Changing Speed of Shiftable Rear PTO….189
Attaching PTO-Driven Equipment….190
Section 60: Ballast….191
Selecting Ballast….192
Ballasting Rear Wheels….193
Measuring Rear Wheel Slip….194
Installing Weights on Flanged Axle….195
Filling Tires with Liquid Ballast….196
Draining the Tires….197
Installing Front Weights….198
Section 65: Wheel Tread, Tires….200
Adjustable Front Axle (Tractors Without Front Wheel Drive)….201
Adjusting Front-Wheel Tread….202
Checking Toe-In at Front Wheels….212
Adjusting Toe-In at Front Wheels….213
Changing Wheels Safely….205
Front Wheel Tread Adjustment (Tractors With Front Wheel Drive)….206
Front Wheel Tread….207
Limiting Front Wheel Steering Angle….209
Tighten Front Wheel Attaching Nuts….211
Checking Toe-In at Front Wheels….212
Adjusting Toe-In at Front Wheels….213
Adjusting the Fender….214
Fender Positions….216
Rear Wheel Tread Adjustment With Flanged Axle….218
Position of Rims and Wheel Disks….219
Tread Widths….220
Tire Pressures….222
Service Tires Safely….223
Tire Combinations, Tractors with Front-Wheel Drive….229
Tire Combinations, Tractors with Front-Wheel Drive….229
Section 70: Additional Equipment….235
Selective Control Valves….236
Multi-Function Lever….238
Rate of Cylinder Operation….239
Hose Unions….241
Maximum Permissible Oil Withdrawal….242
Oil Withdrawal with Hydraulic Motor….243
Remote Hydraulic Cylinder….244
Bleeding the Cylinder….245
Swinging Drawbar….246
Lengthwise Adjustment of Drawbar….247
Tool-Bar for 3-Point Hitch….248
Front Jaw Hitch….249
Trailer Hitch….250
Height-Adjustable Trailer Hitch….251
Remote Control (If Equipped)….253
Pick-Up Hitch….315
Lockable Tank Filler Cap….257
Section 75: Transport….258
Transporting the Tractor….259
Towing the Tractor….260
Driving On Public Roads….261
Section 80: Fuel, Lubricants, Hydraulic Oil and Coolant….262
Diesel Fuel….263
Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel….264
Diesel Engine Break-In Oil….265
Diesel Engine Oil….266
Transmission and Hydraulic Oil….267
Front Wheel Drive Axle Oil….268
Oil Filters….271
Lubricant Storage….272
Mixing of Lubricants….273
Diesel Engine Coolant….274
Operating in Warm Temperature Climates….275
Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants….276
Section 85: Lubrication and Periodic Service….277
Using High-Pressure Washers….278
Service Intervals….279
Opening the Hood….280
Removing Grille Screens….281
Removing the Fan Guard….282
Access to Battery….283
Access to Fuses….365
Important Instructions Regarding Alternator….285
Service Chart….286
Daily or Every 10 Hours….287
After the First 100 Hours….288
Every 250 Hours….289
Every 500 Hours….290
Every 750 Hours….291
Once Every Year….292
Every 1500 Hours or Every 2 Years….293
Every 3000 Hours or Every 3 Years….294
As Required….295
Section 90: Service / Daily or Every 10 Hours….296
Checking Engine Crankcase Oil Level….297
Checking the Fuel Filter….358
Checking and Draining the Compressed Air Trailer Brake System….299
Checking on Lights….300
Other Service Jobs….301
Section 95: Service / Every 250 Hours….302
Changing Engine Oil….303
Changing Engine Oil Filter Element….305
Checking Transmission/Hydraulic System Oil Level….306
Checking Electrolyte Level of Battery….307
Lubricating Front Axle and Front Wheels….309
Lubricating Front Axle and Front Wheels….309
Checking Oil Level in MFWD Axle Housing….310
Checking Oil Level in MFWD Final Drives….311
Lubricating the Three-Point Hitch….312
Lubricate Hitch Jaw….313
Lubricating the Pick-Up Hitch….315
Pick-Up Hitch….315
Neutral Start Circuit….316
Wheel Retaining Bolts….318
Section 100: Service / Every 500 Hours….320
Changing the Fuel Filter….321
Servicing the Fuel Tank….322
Lubricating Rear Axle Bearings….323
Air Intake Hoses….324
Checking the Engine Ground Connection….325
Section 105: Service / Every 750 Hours….326
Check Engine Speeds….327
Replacing Transmission/Hydraulic System Filter Elements….328
Changing the Filter on the Front PTO (If Equipped)….329
Section 110: Service / Once Every Year….330
Checking the Seat Belt….331
Section 115: Service / Every 1500 Hours or 2 Years….332
Changing Oil In Front-Wheel Drive Axle….333
Changing Oil In Front-Wheel Drive Axle Housing….334
Changing Oil In Front-Wheel Drive Final Drives….335
Changing Transmission/Hydraulic Oil….336
Changing the Oil at the Front PTO (If Equipped)….338
Section 120: Service / Every 3000 Hours or 3 Years….339
Changing Coolant….340
Testing the Temperature at Which the Thermostat Opens….342
Section 125: Service / As Required….344
Air Cleaner….345
Cleaning Primary Filter Element….346
Cleaning Dusty Element….347
Cleaning the Dust Unloading Valve….348
Secondary (Safety) Element….349
Cleaning the Cab Air Filter….351
Keep Radiator Screen Clean….352
Air-Conditioning System Not Cooling Correctly….353
Adjusting the Handbrake….354
Bleeding the Brakes….355
Checking the Fuel Filter….358
Bleeding the Fuel System….359
Lubricate All Lubricating Points….360
Operator's Seat….361
Prevent Battery Explosions….362
Battery – Checking Specific Gravity….363
Starter Motor….364
Fuses (Load Center 1)….367
Fuses (Load Center 2)….369
Replacing the Drive Belt….371
Section 130: Troubleshooting….375
Hydraulic System….388
Electrical System….391
Section 135: Storage….380
Storage for Long Period….381
Removing Tractor from Storage….382
Section 140: Specifications….383
PTO Power Output….386
Hydraulic System….388
Loads and Weights….389
Electrical System….391
Sound Level….393
Load Capacities of Tires….394
Load Capacity of Tires with Front Loader….396
Declaration of Conformity….397
Safety Note Regarding the Subsequent Installation of Electrical and Electronic Appliances and/or Components….398
Section 145: Serial Numbers….399
Type Plates….400
Product Identification Number….401
Engine Serial Number….402
Transmission Serial Number….403
FWD Axle Serial Number….404
Section IBC: John Deere Service Keeps You On The Job….405
John Deere Parts….406
The Right Tools….407
Well-Trained Technicians….408
Prompt Service….409

John Deere 6010SE, 6110SE, 6210SE, 6310SE and 6410SE Tractors Operator’s Manual (OMAL116312)