Complete Operator’s Manual for John Deere 7195J, 7210J, and 7225J Tractors, with all the technical information to maintain and operate.
OMR554275 English – John Deere 7195J, 7210J, and 7225J Tractors (South American Edition) Operator’s Manual.pdf
omr554276 Portuguese – Tratores 7195J, 7210J e 7225J -: (Edição sul americana)
omr554278 French – Tracteurs 7195J, 7210J et 7225J -: (Édition Amérique du Sud)
omr319310 Portuguese – Tratores 7185J, 7205J e 7225J -: (Edição Sul-americana)
Total Pages: 603 pages
File Format: PDF (Internal Links, Bookmarked, Table of Contents, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English
Section 00: General View….18
General View….18
Section 05: Safety….19
Recognize Safety Information….21
Understand Signal Words….22
Follow Safety Instructions….23
Prepare for Emergencies….24
Wear Protective Clothing….25
Protect Against Noise….26
Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires….369
Handle Starting Fluid Safely….28
Fire Prevention….29
In Case of Fire….30
Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling….370
Keep ROPS Installed Properly….33
Use Foldable ROPS and Seat Belt Properly….34
Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines….35
Use Steps and Handholds Correctly….37
Read Operator’s Manuals for ISOBUS Controllers….38
Use Seat Belt Properly….84
Operator Ability….40
Operating the Tractor Safely….41
Avoid Backover Accidents….43
Limited Use in Forestry Operation….44
Operating the Loader Tractor Safely….45
Keep Riders Off Machine….46
Instructional Seat….47
Use Safety Lights and Devices….48
Transport Towed Equipment at Safe Speeds….49
Use Caution on Slopes, Uneven Terrain, and Rough Ground….51
Freeing a Mired Machine….360
Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals….177
Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely….54
Handling Batteries Safely….56
Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines….58
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating….59
Handle Electronic Components and Brackets Safely….60
Practice Safe Maintenance….61
Avoid Hot Exhaust….62
Clean Exhaust Filter Safely….63
Prevent Battery Explosions….66
Work In Ventilated Area….67
Support Machine Properly….68
Prevent Machine Runaway….69
Park Machine Safely….70
Transport Tractor Safely….71
Service Cooling System Safely….72
Service Accumulator Systems Safely….73
Service Tires Safely….315
Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely….75
Tightening Wheel Retaining Bolts/Nuts….76
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids….77
Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System….78
Store Attachments Safely….79
Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components….80
Section 10: Safety Signs….81
Replace Safety Signs….82
Read Operator’s Manual….83
Use Seat Belt Properly….84
Section 15: Controls and Instruments….85
Front Console….86
Ignition Switch….87
Right Hand Control Console….88
Corner Post Display….89
STOP, Service Alert and Information Indicators….90
Digital Indicators—Tachometer, Ground Speed and Transmission….94
Gauges—Fuel Level, Engine Oil Pressure and Coolant Temperature….95
Foot Operated Throttle Control….97
Park Break—Trailer (If Equipped)….98
Rear Hitch Raise/Lower Switch—External (If Equipped)….99
Section 16: CommandCenter™….100
CommandCenter™ Panel….101
Split-Screen Display….102
FieldCruise™ Control….111
Setting Day Backlight, Night Backlight and Display Contrast….114
Setting Rear PTO Engagement Acceleration….117
Adjusting Implement Selection….119
Selecting Units and Language….122
Setting Clock….125
Setting Service Alarm Interval….127
Section 20: Lights….129
Identification Lights….130
Programming Floodlights….131
Using Safety Lights and Devices….132
Light Operation….133
Turn Signal Lever….135
Use of Hazard Light….136
Beacon Light (If Equipped)….137
Electric Socket to Implement….138
Section 25: Operator's Station….140
ComfortCommand Seat Adjustment (If Equipped)….141
Operator Presence Sensor….143
Operating the Cab Air Conditioning, Defrosting and Heating (Standard Equipment)….144
Operating Windshield Wiper….147
Operating Windshield Washer (If Equipped)….148
Operating Rear Window Wiper and Washer (If Equipped)….150
Adjusting Steering Wheel and Column….151
Operating Horn….152
Mobile Radio and Antenna Installation….153
Using Electrical Outlets….155
Using Auxiliary Power Strip….156
Location of GREENSTAR GREENSTAR is a trademark of Deere & Company System Connections….140
Using Monitor Mounts….159
GreenStar™ System Connections….160
AutoTrac Assisted Steering System (If Equipped)….162
Positioning Steps and Handrails….164
Section 30: Break-In Period….167
Break-In Checks….168
Section 35: Operating the Engine….173
Engine Fuel System and Power Rating….170
Starting the Engine….171
Cold Weather Starting….172
Operating the Engine….173
Shutting Off the Engine….174
Restarting Engine Which Has Run Out of Fuel….175
Section 40: Operating the Tractor….176
Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals….177
Cleaning Tractor of Hazardous Pesticides….179
Using Emergency Exit….180
Use Seat Belt….181
Transmission-Hydraulic System Warm-Up—Lever Operated SCV….182
Using Mechanical Front-Wheel Drive (MFWD)….184
Using The Brakes….186
Using Differential Lock….187
Using Trailer Air Brakes (If Equipped)….188
Section 41: Operating the PowrQuad-Plus™ Transmission….190
Transmission Controls….191
Operating the Transmission….199
Transmission Description and Operations….194
Using Left-Hand Reverser….196
Using Enabling Mode (Come Home)….203
Section 42: Operating the AutoQuad-Plus™ Transmission….198
Operating the Transmission….199
Using Enabling Mode (Come Home)….203
Section 45: Implement Management System….204
Implement Management System (IMS)—Description and Display….205
Implement Management System — Programmed Functions….207
IMS Functions—Hitch (If Equipped)….208
IMS Functions—Shifting PowrQuad-Plus Transmission….209
IMS Functions—MFWD….210
IMS Functions—PTO (If Equipped)….211
IMS Functions—Differential Lock….212
Operating Implement Management System (IMS)….213
Aborting IMS….216
Clearing IMS Sequence….217
Section 50: Hydraulic Hitch (If Equipped)….218
Identifying Controls and Switches Relating to Hitch….219
Hitch Set-up and Use (Quick Reference)….221
Hitch Lever Usage/Display—Setting Depth and Lock/Absorbing….222
Setting Hitch Height Limit….224
Setting Rate of Drop of Hitch….225
Adjusting Load/Depth Control (Draft Response)….226
Setting Hitch Slip Response….229
Using Float Operation….231
Using External Raise/Lower Switches….233
Using Hitch Manual Lowering….234
Hydraulic Hitch and Three-Point Rear Hitch Components….235
Using Sway Blocks (If Equipped)….236
Stabilizer Bars….238
Positioning Center Link….239
Adjusting Center Link….240
Positioning Lift Links….241
Leveling Arms….242
Vertical Play Adjustment….243
Section 55: Hydraulic Fittings….244
Connecting Hydraulic Hoses—Rear of Tractor….245
Disconnecting Hydraulic Hoses—Rear of Tractor….247
Hydraulic Motor Return and Case Drain Kits….248
Using Load-Sensing Hydraulic System (Power Beyond)….249
Examples Using Load-Sensing Hydraulic System (Power Beyond)….250
Using Implement Requiring Large Volumes of Oil….253
Section 60: Hydraulic System—Lever Controlled SCVs….254
Hydraulic Valves….255
Adjusting Rate of Cylinder or Motor Operation (Deluxe SCVs Only)….256
SCV Symbol Definitions….257
SCV Lever Detent Operation (Deluxe SCVs Only)….258
Operating Loader Using SCV….259
Adjusting Detent Relief Setting (Deluxe SCVs Only)….260
SCV Lever Lockout….261
SCV Lever—Neutral Position….262
SCV Lever—Extend Position….263
SCV Lever—Retract Position….264
SCV Lever—Float Position….265
Section 65: Drawbar and Power Take-Off (PTO)….266
Drawbar Load Limits Based on PTO Type, and Drawbar Length and Position….267
Adjusting Drawbar Length….269
Adjusting Drawbar Height….270
Adjusting Drawbar Side-to-Side….271
Drawbar with Ball Pin….272
Installing and Using Clevis Assembly Cat 3 Drawbar….273
Coupling Implement Driven by PTO….275
Power Take-Off Operation (PTO)….277
Using Correct Engine Speed….278
PTO Reversible Shaft….281
Lever Position Mode for Rear PTO (if equipped)….283
Section 70: Ballasting for Performance….284
Ballasting Optimization—Select the Correct Weights….285
Guidelines for Tractor Ballasting….286
Power Hop….287
Ballast Calculation for Optimum Performance….288
Determining Maximum Ballast….291
Ballasting Tires with Water….292
Emptying Tires With Liquid Ballast….293
Using Liquid Ballast in Tires….294
Maximum Load per Wheel – Front Tires….296
Maximum Load per Wheel – Rear Tires….297
Worksheet to Calculate Ballast Changes….298
QuikTach Weights Type Identification….299
Installing QuikTach Weights – Type A….301
Installing QuikTach Weights – Type B….303
Using Rear Wheel Weights….305
Using Implement Codes….308
Implement Codes….308
Weight Added to Rear Axle With Hitch Mounted Implements….309
Adding Rear Ballast (Front Loader)….310
Ballasting Guide….311
Measuring Wheel Slip (Manually)….312
Section 75: Wheels, Tires and Tread….314
Service Tires Safely….315
Safely Mounting Tires….316
Tire Parts….317
Tire Denomination….318
Tire Tread Types….321
Tire Inflation Pressure Norms….322
Inflation Pressure….324
Tire Combinations….544
Recommended Tire Pressures per Wheel….326
Tightening Front Wheel Bolts—MFWD….328
Check Toe-In….330
Adjust Toe-In….331
Adjust Steering Stop Positions (MFWD)….332
Adjusting Tread of Front Wheels….334
Adjusting MFWD Fender–Deluxe Pivoting Fenders….338
Steering Stop and Front Fender Settings….339
Installing Rear Drive Wheel To Cast Hub….342
Installing Rear Steel Wheel to Dual Hub….343
Adjusting and Tightening Rear Drive Wheels—Heavy Duty Cast Drive and Dual Hubs….344
Instructions for Dual Tires….345
Single Tire Rear Tread Setting — Cast Wheels….347
Dual Tire Rear Tread Setting — Cast Wheels….348
Clamp-on Dual Usage….349
Rear Dual Wheel Crop Row Setting — Cast Wheels….350
Adjusting Rear Wheels—Steel….351
Section 80: Transporting….353
Driving on Public Roads….354
Transport with Ballast….355
Towing Loads….356
Using a Safety Chain….357
Towing Tractor….358
Freeing a Mired Machine….360
Transport on Carrier….362
Transport with 3-Meter Front Axle….363
Section 85: Fuels, Lubricants and Coolant….364
Diesel Fuel….365
Lubricity of Diesel Fuel….367
Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel….368
Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires….369
Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling….370
Supplemental Diesel Fuel Additives….372
Biodiesel Fuel….373
Testing Diesel Fuel….375
Minimizing the Effect of Cold Weather on Diesel Engines….376
Filling Fuel Tank….378
Fuel Filters….380
Diesel Engine Break-In Oil — Non-Emissions Certified and Certified Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III….381
Engine Oil and Filter Service Intervals — Tier 2 and Stage II Engines….385
Engine Oil and Filter Service Intervals — Tier 2 and Stage II Engines….385
Mixing of Lubricants….387
Transmission and Hydraulic Oil….388
Oil Filters….389
Filter Element for Transmission – Hydraulic System….390
Front-Wheel Drive Axle Oil….391
Multipurpose Extreme Pressure (EP) Grease….393
Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants….394
Lubricant Storage….395
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Coolant….396
Operating in Warm Temperature Climates….398
Water Quality for Mixing with Coolant Concentrate….399
Testing Coolant Freeze Point….400
Section 90: Access to Service Points….402
Access to Engine Compartment….403
Remove and Install Engine Side Shields….404
Access to Batteries….405
Using High-Pressure Washers….406
Using Compressed Air….407
Section 95: General Maintenance and Inspection….408
Observe Service Intervals….409
Inspecting Tires….410
Checking Neutral Start System….411
Checking Transmission PARK Position….413
Checking Brakes….414
Servicing Engine Air Intake and Pre-Cleaner….415
Checking Clevis Assembly Cat 3 Drawbar….417
Replacing Primary and Secondary Engine Air Filters….418
Replace Fresh Air Filter….420
Replace Cab Air Recirculation Filter….422
Cleaning Engine Compartment….424
Cleaning Radiator and Oil Cooler/Condenser….425
Inspecting Fan Belt Tensioner….428
Replacing Fan Belt….431
Inspect Seat Belt….434
Replacing Engine Crankshaft Damper….435
Inspect and Replace Engine Torsional Damper….436
Replace Engine Drive Shaft….437
Inspecting Tractor For Loose Bolts….438
Section 100: Lubrication….439
Checking Engine Oil Level….440
Changing Engine Oil and Filter….441
Checking Transmission-Hydraulic Oil Level….443
Changing Transmission-Hydraulic Oil and Cleaning Suction Screen….445
Replacing Transmission Filter….447
Replacing Hydraulic Oil Filter….448
Check Front Axle Final Drive Housing Oil Level….449
Change Front Axle Final Drive Housing Oil….450
Check Front Axle Differential Housing Oil Level….451
Change Front Axle Differential Housing Oil….453
Lubricating MFWD Axle….455
Lubricating MFWD Universal Joints….457
Lubricating Hitch Components (If Equipped)….458
Lubricating Draft Link Support Shaft Bushing….459
Lubricate Engine Drive Shaft….460
Section 105: Service—Cooling System….461
Checking Coolant Level (Coolant Recovery Tank)….462
Draining, Flushing and Refilling Cooling System….465
Section 106: Service—Fuel System….469
Do Not Modify Fuel System….470
Draining Water and Sediment from Prefilter and Final Fuel Filter….471
Replacing Prefilter and Final Fuel Filter….472
Draining Fuel Tank Sump….475
Cleaning Fuel Tank Vent Filter….476
Testing Injection Nozzles….477
Bleeding Fuel System….478
Section 107: Service—Electrical System….479
Access to Fuses and Relays….480
Load Center Fuses and Relays….482
Handling Halogen Light Bulbs Safely….485
Replacing Front Grille Floodlight Element….486
Adjusting Headlights….487
Replacing Front Belt-Line, Cab Roof (Rear and Side) or Rear Fender Floodlight Element….489
Replace Cab Roof Hazard Light Bulbs….490
Replacing Tail Light Bulb….491
Replacing Instrument and Display Illumination Light Bulb….492
Replacing Dome Light Bulb….494
Section 110: Troubleshooting….495
Engine Troubleshooting….496
Transmission Troubleshooting….501
Hydraulic System Troubleshooting….502
Brakes Troubleshooting….503
Hitch Troubleshooting….504
Selective Control Valve (SCV) Troubleshooting….506
Electrical System Troubleshooting….508
Operator Station Troubleshooting….511
Tractor Operation Troubleshooting….513
Section 115: Service Codes….514
Service Codes Information….515
Service codes….516
Section 120: Storage….536
Long Storage Period….537
Removing Tractor From Storage….538
Paint Finish Care….539
Section 125: Specifications….541
Tire Combinations….544
Overall Dimensions – Type A….545
Overall Dimensions – Type B….546
Speed of Tractor….547
Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values….548
Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values….550
Carbon Dioxide Emissions (CO₂)….552
Section 130: Identification Numbers….561
Keep Proof of Ownership….555
Keep Machines Secure….556
Interpreting Machine Serial Number….557
Interpreting Engine Serial Number….563
Identification Numbers….561
Tractor Identification Number….562
Engine Serial Number….563
Cab Serial Number….564
Differential Case Serial Number….565
MFWD Axle Serial Number….566
Section 135: Lubrication and Service Records….567
250 Hour Service Interval Record….568
375 Hour Service Interval Record….569
750 Hour Service Interval Record….570
1000 Hour or Annual Service Record….571
1250 or 1500 Hours Service Record….572
2000 Hours Service Record….573
4500 Hours or Five Year Service Record….574
6000 Hours or Six Year Service Record….575
Section 140: Glossary….576
Glossary of Terms….577
John Deere 7195J, 7210J, and 7225J Tractors Operator’s Manual (OMR554275)