Complete Diagnosis & Tests Technical Manual for John Deere Tractors 6110, 6110L, 6210, 6210L, 6310, 6310L, 6310S, 6410, 6410L, 6410S, 6510L, 6510S, with all the shop information to maintain, diagnostic, repair, service like professional mechanics.
John Deere 2WD or MFWD Tractors 6110, 6210, 6310, 6410, 6110L, 6310S, 6410S, 6510S, 6210L, 6310L, 6410L, 6510L workshop Diagnosis & Tests technical manual includes:
* Numbered table of contents easy to use so that you can find the information you need fast.
* Detailed sub-steps expand on repair procedure information
* Numbered instructions guide you through every repair procedure step by step.
* Troubleshooting and electrical service procedures are combined with detailed wiring diagrams for ease of use.
* Notes, cautions and warnings throughout each chapter pinpoint critical information.
* Bold figure number help you quickly match illustrations with instructions.
* Detailed illustrations, drawings and photos guide you through every procedure.
* Enlarged inset helps you identify and examine parts in detail.
tm4724 – 6110, 6110l, 6210, 6210l, 6310, 6310l, 6310s, 6410, 6410l, 6410s, 6510l, 6510s tractors Technical Manual.pdf
Total Pages: 514 pages
File Format: PDF (PC/Mac/Android/Kindle/iPhone/iPad; bookmarked, ToC, Searchable, Printable)
Language: English
Safety Information
Service Code Diagnostics
BCU Service Code Diagnostics
BIF Service Code Diagnostics
ECU Service Code Diagnostics
HCU Service Code Diagnostics
PEC Service Code Diagnostics
RCU Service Code Diagnostics
SFA Service Code Diagnostics
Observable Symptoms
Electrical System
PowrQuad, PowrQuad Plus and AutoQuad Transmissions
Drive Systems
Hydraulic System
tm4724 – 6110, 6110l, 6210, 6210l, 6310, 6310l, 6310s, 6410, 6410l, 6410s, 6510l, 6510s tractors
Table of Contents
Section 210: Safety
Group 05: Safety Information
Recognize Safety Information
Prevent Machine Runaway
Handle Fluids Safely-Avoid Fires
Prevent Battery Explosions
Prepare for Emergencies
Prevent Acid Burns
Avoid High-Pressure Fluids
Service Cooling System Safely
Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating
Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines
Work In Ventilated Area
Wear Protective Clothing
Practice Safe Maintenance
Park Machine Safely
Use Proper Lifting Equipment
Construct Dealer-Made Tools Safely
Support Machine Properly
Work in Clean Area
Illuminate Work Area Safely
Service Machines Safely
Use Proper Tools
Service Tires Safely
Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely
Avoid Eye Contact With Radar
Keep ROPS Installed Properly
Replace Safety Signs
Dispose of Waste Properly
Live With Safety
Section 211: Service Code Diagnostics
Group BCU: BCU Service Code Diagnostics
BCU 045-System Voltage Too Low (Idle-over 512 rpm)
BCU 046-System Voltage Too Low (idle-over 1500 rpm)
BCU 047-System Voltage Too High (Engine Running)
BCU 072-Rear PTO Circuit / Switch Error
BCU 073-Defective Rear PTO Solenoid (Y04)
BCU 075-Rear PTO Speed Not Present After PTO ON
BCU 076-Rear PTO Speed Still Present After PTO OFF
BCU 080-Differential Lock Switch (S22) Still Activated After Deactivation
BCU 081-Defective Differential Lock Solenoid (Y05)
BCU 085-MFWD Control Switch (S05) Error
BCU 086-Defective MFWD Solenoid (Y03)
BCU 106-Internal BCU Fault
BCU 130-Turn Signal Switch Fault
BCU 131-Turn Signal Circuit Fault
BCU 132-Defective Hazard Warning Light Power Supply Fuse F102 (20A)
BCU 134-HMS Circuit Fault
Group BIF: BIF Service Code Diagnostics
BIF 001-Fuel Level Sensor Circuit
BIF 002-Fuel Level Sensor Circuit
BIF 003-Fuel Level Sensor Circuit
BIF 010-Engine Coolant Temperature High
BIF 011-Engine Coolant Temperature Very High
BIF 012-Coolant Temperature Sender-Circuit Open
BIF 013-Coolant Temperature Sender-Circuit Shorted
BIF 015-Transmission Oil Temperature High
BIF 016-Transmission Oil Temperature Very High
BIF 017-Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor-Circuit Open
BIF 018-Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor-Circuit Shorted
BIF 021-Engine Oil Pressure Low (Pressure Switch)
BIF 023-Missing Engine Speed Signal
BIF 026-Transmission Oil Pressure Low
BIF 030-Engine Air Filter Restricted
BIF 035-Transmission and Hydraulic Oil Filter Restricted
BIF 045-System Voltage Too Low (Idle-over-512 rpm)
BIF 046-System Voltage Too Low (idle over 1500 rpm)
BIF 047-System Voltage Too High (Engine Running)
BIF 049-Alternator D+ voltage too low (Idle-over-512 rpm)
BIF 050-Alternator D+ voltage too low (idle over 1500 rpm)
BIF 051-Alternator D+ voltage too high
BIF 106-Internal BIF Fault
BIF 135-BCU Timing Signal not received
BIF 136-Open CCD BUS Lines
BIF 140-Rear PTO Speed Warning
BIF 142-Front PTO Warning
Group ECU: ECU Service Code Diagnostics
ECU 011-Foot Throttle Potentiometer (B57) ECU Input Voltage Too High
ECU 012-Foot Throttle Potentiometer (B57) ECU Input Voltage Too Low
ECU 013-Cruise Control Potentiometer (A19) Input Voltage Too High
ECU 014-Cruise Control Potentiometer (A19) Input Voltage Too Low
ECU 018-Coolant Temperature Sensor (B56) Input Voltage Too High
ECU 019-Coolant Temperature Sensor (B56) Input Voltage Too Low
ECU 021-Sensor Supply Voltage Too High
ECU 022-Sensor Supply Voltage Too Low
ECU 039-Engine Speed (B01) Input Signal Fault
ECU 041-Missing Engine Start Signal
ECU 042-High Idle Speed Too High
ECU 046-Engine Start Signal Always High
ECU 055-ECU Detect not Related CAN BUS Informations
ECU 064-Hand Throttle Calibration Failed
ECU 065-Hand Throttle Calibration Value Error
ECU 081-Internal ECU Failure (Pump Y13 Current Feedback Voltage Too High)
ECU 082-Internal ECU Failure (Pump Y13 Current Feedback Voltage Too Low)
ECU 083-Injection Pump Y13 (Unstable Current Regulation for Actuator Magnet)
ECU 084-Injection Pump Y13 (Actuator Magnet Current Regulation Cannot Be Controlled)
ECU 085-Injection Pump Y13 (Actuator Magnet Current Regulation Too High While Engine is OFF)
Group HCU: HCU Service Code Diagnostics
HCU 022-System Voltage not in Specification
HCU 027-Calibration not Successful
HCU 028-Calibration Memory Failure
HCU 029-Calibration Memory Failure
HCU 030-Insignificant Fault that has no Effect on Tractor Operation
HCU 041-Stepper Motor Circuit Open
HCU 042-Stepper Motor Circuit Open
HCU 043-Stepper Motor Circuit Shorted
HCU 044-Stepper Motor Circuit Shorted
HCU 045-Potentiometers and Position Sensor Supply Voltage Out of Range
HCU 046-Draft Sensor Supply voltage Out of Range
HCU 049-Raise/ Lower Rocker Switch Circuit
HCU 050-Stepper Motor Deadband out of range
HCU 051-Left Draft Sensor Signal Circuit
HCU 052-Right Draft Sensor Signal Circuit
HCU 053-Load/ Depth Control Potentiometer Circuit
HCU 054-Hitch Control Lever Potentiometer Circuit
HCU 055-Hitch Position Sensor Circuit
HCU 056-Raise Limit Control Potentiometer
HCU 057-Rate-of-Drop Control Potentiometer Circuit
HCU 058-Remote Control Switch Circuit
HCU 239-Circuit fault during Calibration
HCU 241-Hitch Position Sensor Circuit fault during Calibration
HCU 242-Hitch Position Sensor Circuit fault during Calibration
HCU 250-Right Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
HCU 251-Right Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
HCU 252-Right Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
HCU 253-Left Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
HCU 254-Left Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
HCU 255-Left Draft Sensor Circuit out of specification during calibration
Group PEC: PEC Service Code Diagnostics
PEC 028-Calibration Memory Failure
PEC 051-E-ICV No.1 Potentiometer – Voltage Out Of Specification
PEC 052-E-ICV No.2 Potentiometer – Voltage Out Of Specification
PEC 053-E-ICV No.3 Potentiometer – Voltage Out Of Specification
PEC 059-E-ICV Multi-Function Lever – Supply Voltage Out Of Spec
PEC 060-E-ICV Transport Lock Switch Fault
PEC 061-E-ICV Multi-Function Lever Interlock Switch Fault
PEC 070-Upshift (S48) or Downshift (S49) Switch Pressed with Ignition ON
PEC 071-Power/ECO Mode Switch (S85) Failure at Power Up
PEC 106-Internal PEC Fault
PEC 128-Stepper Motor Driver (SMD0) Supply Voltage Out of Range
PEC 129-Stepper Motor Driver (SMD0) Short in/to Stepper Motor (M15)
PEC 130-Stepper Motor Driver (SMD0) Internal Fault
PEC 131-Excessive Deviation of Stepper Motor Switch Signal and Stepper Motor Position
PEC 132-Stepper Motor Position Switch Problem
PEC 133-Stepper Motor Driver (SMD0) Open Lead to Stepper Motor
PEC 136-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Power Supply Voltage Out Of Spec
PEC 137-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Short in/to Stepper Motor
PEC 138-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Internal Fault
PEC 141-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Open Lead to Stepper Motor
PEC 144- E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Power Supply Voltage Out Of Spec
PEC 145-E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver Short in/to Stepper Motor
PEC 146-E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Internal Fault
PEC 149-E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Open Lead to Stepper Motor
PEC 152-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Power Supply Voltage Out Of Spec
PEC 153-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Short in/to Stepper Motor
PEC 154-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Internal Fault
PEC 157-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Open Lead to Stepper Motor
PEC 200-Stepper Motor Driver (SMD0) Initialization Unsuccessful
PEC 201-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Initialization unsuccessful
PEC 202-E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Initialization unsuccessful
PEC 203-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Initialization unsuccessful
PEC 204-up to PEC 206 –– (E-ICV) Incorrect Calibration Value Stored in PEC
PEC 207-(E-ICV) Incorrect Calibration Value Stored in PEC
PEC 210-No Information on Ground Speed at the BUS Line after Engine Started
PEC 219-CAN BUS Inoperative
PEC 220-Stepper Motor Driver Fails During Operation
PEC 221-E-ICV No.1 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Not Responding to PEC Command
PEC 222-E-ICV No.2 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Not Responding to PEC Command
PEC 223-E-ICV No.3 Stepper Motor Driver (SMD) Not Responding to PEC Command
PEC 230-Stepper Motor Driver Address Pin Problem
Group 211: RCU Service Code Diagnostics
RCU 015-Fault in Detent Solenoid Circuit
RCU 017-Insignificant Fault that has no Effect on Tractor Operation
RCU 025-Fault in Detent Solenoid Circuit
RCU 027-Enable Switch Indicates no Pressure
RCU 029-Enable Pressure Switch Indicates Pressure, but Pressure is Actually Zero (Diagnostic Mode Only)
RCU 031-Fault in Enable Solenoid Circuit
RCU 032-Park Position, but Valid Neutral Signal is Missing
RCU 034-Reverse Drive Lever Remains in Direction Too Long While Range Lever is in “Park” (Diagnostic Mode Only)
RCU 040-Forward and Reverse Switches Open, but Not-Neutral Switch is Closed
RCU 041-Forward and Reverse Switches Closed at the Same Time
RCU 042-Forward Switch Closed, but Not-Neutral Switch Open
RCU 043-Reverse Switch Closed, but Not-Neutral Switch Open
RCU 044-Not-Neutral Relay Open, but Not-Neutral Switch Closed
RCU 045-Direction of Travel is Selected, but Enable Solenoid is Still Closed
RCU 047-No Neutral Signal After Engine is Started
RCU 048-System Voltage Too Low
RCU 051-Reverse Drive Lever in Direction, but Neutral Start Switch Indicates Neutral
RCU 053-Reverser Drive Lever in Neutral, but Neutral Start Switch Indicates Not Neutral
RCU 055-Enable Solenoid Stuck in Closed Position
RCU 056-Reverser Drive Lever in Forward or Reverse When Engine is Started
RCU 057-Transmission Enable Voltage Too Low during Operation
RCU 058-Transmission Enable Voltage Too Low When Engine is Started
RCU 064-Fault in Memory of RCU
RCU 065-Fault in RCU
RCU 067-Neutral Start Switch Indicates Not-Neutral without Cause
Group SFA: SFA Service Code Diagnostics
SFA 027-Incorrect Calibration (Calibration Stopped)
SFA 028-SFA Controller Never Calibrated or Calibration Memory Failure
SFA 029-Diagnostic Fuse Removed Before Calibration Completed
SFA 031-Failure in SFA Controller (EEPROM)
SFA 041-Internal SFA Controller Malfunction for Valve No. 1 (Y10)
SFA 042-Short to Ground in Circuit Between SFA and Solenoid Valve No. 1 (Y10)
SFA 043-Open or Shorted Circuit between SFA and Solenoid Valve No. 1 (Y10)
SFA 044-Internal SFA Controller Malfunction for Valve No. 2 (Y11)
SFA 045-Short to Ground in Circuit between SFA and Solenoid Valve No. 2 (Y10)
SFA 046-Open or Shorted Circuit between SFA and Solenoid Valve No. 2 (Y11)
SFA 048-SFA Controller Commands “DOWN” but TLS Front Drive Axle Moves “UP” during Calibration
SFA 049-SFA Commands “UP” but TLS Front Drive Axle Moves “DOWN” during Calibration
SFA 060-During Calibration, No Cylinder Operation for 80 Seconds After Commanded to Move by SFA Controller
SFA 061-Not During Calibration, No Cylinder Operation for 60 Seconds After Commanded to Move by SFA Controller
SFA 062-While Driving, No Cylinder Operation for 60 Seconds After Commanded To Move By SFA Controller
SFA 063-Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too High
SFA 064-Position Sensor Supply Voltage Too Low
SFA 065-During Downward Movement: Sensor Output Signal Less Than 0.25 Volt
SFA 066-Moved Fully DOWN and Position Sensor Output Voltage has not Fallen below 2.0 Volts
SFA 067-During Upward Movement: Sensor Output Signal More Than 4.75 Volts
SFA 068-Moved Fully UP and Position Sensor Output Voltage has not Exceeded 3.0 Volt
SFA 069-Sensor Output Voltage Out of Range (Tolerance Range: 2-3 Volt) for Axle Mid Position
SFA 071-Engine Speed Signal Missing From CCD Bus Line
SFA 072-Ground Speed Signal Missing From CCD Bus Line
SFA 075-Internal SFA Control Unit Failure
SFA 076-Engine Speed Signal Missing From CCD Bus Line While Tractor in Motion
Section 212: Observable Symptoms
Group 40: Electrical System
Controller/s not Displayed
Performance Monitor Display Problem
Group 55: PowrQuad, PowrQuad Plus and AutoQuad Transmissions
L.H. Electrical Reverser Lever will not stay in Forward or Reverse Position
Group 56: Drive Systems
PTO Will Not Run
PTO Will Not Stop Turning
PTO Slips Under Load
Front PTO Will Not Run
Front PTO Will Not Stop Turning
Front PTO Shaft Slips Under Load
Unusual Noise When Running or Rough PTO Engagement
Group 70: Hydraulic System
Hitch Does Not Work
Hitch Remote Control Does Not Work
John Deere Tractors 6110, 6110L, 6210, 6210L, 6310, 6310L, 6310S, 6410, 6410L, 6410S, 6510L, 6510S Diagnosis & Tests Technical Manual (TM4724)