Volvo Constructions L120E Wheel Loaders Workshop Service Repair manual with Electrical Wiring Diagrams (including maintenance, overhaul, disassembling & assembling, adjustment, tune-up, operation, inspecting, diagnosis & troubleshooting…) is divided into different sections. Each section covers a specific component or system with detailed illustrations. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each section. Pages are easily found by category, and each page is expandable for great detail. The printer-ready PDF documents work like a charm on all kinds of devices.
This manual (1,998 pages PDF) contains high quality images, circuit diagrams, instructions to help you to maintenance, troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair. This document is printable, without restrictions, contains searchable text, bookmarks, crosslinks for easy navigation.
Volvo L120E Wheel Loaders Service Repair Manual.pdf
0 – Foreword…………….2
0 – GENERAL…………….3
Description …………….5
Tightening torques…………….10
Lubrication system; specifications…………….21
Fuel system; tightening torques…………….22
Cooling system; specifications…………….24
Engine; weight_{008-53-54}…………….25
Engine; specifications_{008-53-12}…………….26
Engine; volume…………….27
Injectors; specifications…………….28
Fuel tank; volume_{008-51-32}…………….29
Fuel feed pump; specifications_{008-50-53}…………….30
Lighting; specifications…………….31
Valve system specifications_{008-49-29}…………….32
Injection pump; specifications…………….33
Intercooler; specifications…………….34
Cooling system; specifications …………….35
Cooling system; volume…………….36
Thermostat; specifications…………….37
Oil-bath air cleaner; volume-…………….38
Cooling fan motor; specifications…………….39
Cooling fan rpm; specifications…………….40
Engine; specifications_{008-44-05}…………….41
Speed sensor; tightening torque…………….43
Battery; specification…………….44
Battery; weight…………….45
Electrical system; specifications…………….46
Preheating; specifications…………….47
Alternator; specifications…………….48
Starter motor; specifications…………….49
Rear axle; tightening torques…………….50
Torque converter; specifications…………….51
Torque converter; weight…………….52
Torque converter; tightening torque…………….53
Hydraulic transmission; weight…………….54
Hydraulic transmission; specifications…………….55
Hydraulic transmission; volume…………….56
Propeller shaft; tightening torque…………….57
Front axle; specification…………….58
Front axle; weight…………….59
Front axle; tightening torque…………….60
Front axle; capacity…………….61
Rear axle; specification…………….62
Rear axle; weight…………….63
Rear axle; capacity…………….64
Parking brake; specifications…………….65
Front wheel brakes; specification…………….66
Front wheel brakes; tightening torques…………….67
Front wheel brakes; weight…………….68
Rear wheel brakes; tightening torques…………….69
Rear wheel brakes; specifications…………….70
Rear wheel brakes; weight…………….71
Brake valve; specifications…………….72
Brake accumulator; specifications…………….73
Brake accumulator; capacity…………….74
Parking brake; specifications …………….75
Steering; specification…………….76
Steering; hydraulic equipment; tightening torques…………….77
Steering; hydraulic equipment; specifications…………….78
Frame; specifications…………….79
Frame; tightening torque…………….80
Counterweight; weight …………….81
Wheels; specifications …………….82
Wheel; tightening torque…………….83
Wheel; weight…………….84
Wheels; specifications…………….85
Cab; weight…………….86
Cab; tightening torques…………….87
Operator's seat; weight…………….88
Air distribution; specifications…………….89
Air conditioning; tightening torques…………….90
Air conditioning unit; specifications…………….91
Hydraulic system; volume…………….93
Central block; specifications…………….94
Function times; specifications…………….95
Hydraulic pump (P003); specifications…………….96
Servo system; specifications…………….97
Cooling fan rpm; specifications-…………….98
Control valve; specifications…………….99
Hydraulic pump (P001); specifications…………….100
Boom Suspension System; specifications…………….101
Boom Suspension System; tightening torques…………….102
Hydraulic pump (P002); specifications…………….103
Boom and cylinders; specifications…………….104
Central lubrication system; specifications…………….105
Hydraulic connections; tightening torques…………….107
Conversion tables…………….109
Engine; specifications_{008-09-11}…………….114
07 – STANDARD TIME…………….115
Operation numbers for additional work…………….116
08 – TOOL…………….118
E 1234; Nipple…………….119
E 1281 Nipple…………….120
E 1708; Checking point…………….121
Infrared Thermometer…………….124
Recommended lubricants; oils…………….130
Alternative fuels…………….132
17 – SERVICE…………….135
Working on the electrical system of the machine…………….136
Repairing hydraulic system…………….137
Cleanliness; brake and hydraulic systems…………….138
Electric welding…………….139
Charging batteries…………….140
Warranty inspection 100 hours…………….141
Warranty inspection 1000 hours…………….155
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{007-37-46}…………….180
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{012-42-27}…………….185
Hydraulic pump; max working pressure; checking and adjusting …………….190
Maintenance service; daily…………….194
Maintenance service; every 050 hours…………….196
Maintenance service; every 250 hours…………….201
Maintenance service; every 500 hours…………….211
Maintenance service; every 3000 hours…………….225
Maintenance service; every 1000 hours…………….228
Maintenance service; every 2000 hours…………….252
Maintenance service; every 4000 hours…………….283
Maintenance service; every 6000 hours…………….313
Fuel system; bleeding_{012-15-01}…………….315
Hydraulic pump; max working pressure; checking and adjusting-…………….317
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{012-13-13}…………….321
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{012-12-32}…………….326
Parking brake; manually releasing…………….331
19 – GENERAL…………….335
CE-marking; EMC-directive…………….336
Safety concerns everybody!_{012-08-46}…………….340
Safety concerns everybody!_{012-08-10}…………….344
Safety when handling the machine…………….346
Safety rules when servicing…………….351
Working under raised boom…………….355
Fire prevention measures…………….357
Some simple rules regarding tyre handling…………….361
Safety when lifting and supporting complete machine…………….363
Safety when working with batteries…………….367
Starting with booster batteries…………….370
Safety when handling oils and fuel…………….372
Safety when handling accumulators…………….374
Safety when working on hydraulic systems …………….376
Safety when using lifting equipment…………….379
Checklist after a fire or heat exposure…………….381
Health hazards with paint; plastics and rubber…………….384
Environmental handling for the future…………….387
Waste handling…………….390
Environmentally safe handling…………….394
Environmentally hazardous fluids…………….397
Safety when working with air conditioning refrigerant…………….400
Working in environmentally contaminated areas…………….403
20 – GENERAL…………….411
Engine; description_{011-50-02}…………….412
Engine; description_{011-49-26}…………….414
21 – ENGINE…………….416
Engine; specifications_{011-48-37}…………….417
Engine; specifications_{011-48-05}…………….418
Engine; weight_{011-47-27}…………….419
Engine; volume…………….420
Engine; removing_{011-46-24}…………….421
Engine; installing_{011-45-05}…………….430
Engine; specifications_{011-43-45}…………….440
Cylinder compression; testing…………….441
Cylinder head; description…………….445
Cylinder head gasket; description…………….447
D007 cylinder block with crankcase ventilation; description and operation…………….448
Pistons; description…………….449
Cylinder liner; description…………….451
Valve system specifications_{011-37-44}…………….453
Valve system specifications_{011-37-13}…………….454
Valves; description…………….455
Valves; adjusting_{011-36-00}…………….456
Internal Exhaust Gas Recirculation (IEGR); description…………….462
Engine timing gear; description…………….467
Camshaft; description_{011-32-27}…………….468
Crankshaft; description…………….470
Connecting rod; description…………….472
Vibration damper; description_{011-29-46}…………….474
Crankshaft front oil seal; replacing_{011-29-00}…………….476
Oil pan; resealing…………….483
Engine mounting; description…………….487
Engine mounting; front; replacing…………….488
Lubrication system; description…………….509
Lubrication system; specifications…………….511
Oil pump; description…………….512
Oil pressure; checking…………….514
23 – FUEL SYSTEM…………….516
Fuel system; description_{011-16-24}…………….518
Fuel system; description_{011-15-49}…………….520
Fuel system; tightening torques…………….522
Instructions for working with electronic fuel injection…………….524
Fuel system; bleeding_{011-14-16}…………….527
Fuel feed pump; specifications_{011-13-30}…………….529
Fuel feed pump; specifications_{011-13-00}…………….530
Fuel feed pump; description…………….531
Fuel filter; description…………….532
Feed pump pressure; checking_{011-11-11}…………….533
Fuel filter; checking…………….535
Fuel tank; volume_{011-09-56}…………….537
Fuel tank; volume_{011-09-25}…………….538
Injection pump; specifications…………….539
Stall speed; checking…………….540
Injectors; specifications…………….542
Injectors; description_{011-06-25}…………….543
Unit pump; description…………….545
Pump unit; replacing…………….550
Engine ECU; removing…………….554
Injectors; replacing_{011-02-35}…………….557
High pressure fuel pump; checking…………….559
Fuel rail; description…………….563
Fuel rail pressure sensor; replacing…………….565
High pressure fuel pump; replacing…………….567
Fuel control valve (FCV); checking…………….575
Fuel control valve (FCV); replacing…………….579
Pressure relief valve (PRV); inspecting…………….582
High pressure fuel pump; description…………….585
Pressure relief valve (PRV); replacing…………….587
Control unit; description_{010-55-38}…………….590
Control unit; description_{010-55-00}…………….592
25 – INLET & EXHAUST SYSTEM…………….594
Flexible hose; replacing…………….595
Turbocharger; description…………….597
Turbocharger; inspecting…………….598
Air cleaner; preheater; specifications…………….600
Oil-bath air cleaner; volume…………….601
Air cleaner; description…………….602
Preheating coil; description …………….603
Preheating; specifications …………….604
Intercooler; specifications …………….605
Intercooler; specifications…………….606
26 – COOLING SYSTEM…………….607
Cooling system; volume…………….608
Cooling system; description…………….609
Cooling system; specifications …………….612
Radiator; removing_{010-46-14}…………….613
Radiator; removing_{010-44-53}…………….618
Radiator; installing_{010-43-24}…………….623
Thermostat; specifications…………….627
Thermostat; replacing…………….628
Coolant pump; replacing…………….631
Cooling system; specifications…………….634
Reversible cooling fan_{010-37-54}…………….635
Reversible cooling fan_{010-37-22}…………….638
Hydraulic pump (P003); specifications …………….641
Cooling fan rpm; specifications…………….642
Cooling fan motor; specifications…………….643
Reversible cooling fan; hydraulic diagram description…………….644
Reversible cooling fan; electric description…………….648
Fan speed control; description…………….649
Pump 003 (P3) standby pressure; checking…………….654
Cooling fan hydraulics; function check…………….657
Pump 003 (P3) Fan pump_Brake pump Fan; check max pressure…………….659
Pump 003 (P3) Cooling fan pump_Brake pump. Cooling fan; checking max. rpm…………….662
Reversible cooling fan; trouble-shooting _ fault indication…………….665
Cooling fan motor; replacing…………….666
30 – GENERAL…………….675
Electrical system; work instructions…………….683
Electrical system; description …………….685
Software; description…………….689
Electronic control system; description…………….690
Communication with data buses …………….692
System voltage…………….694
Electrical system; specifications…………….695
Software functions per function group…………….696
Description of table for software functions…………….699
Engine oil pressure_{10-21-37}…………….700
Engine Oil Level…………….701
Fuel Level_{10-20-18}…………….702
Fuel Level_{10-19-53}…………….703
Fuel temperature…………….704
Protection for high fuel temperature; common rail…………….705
Water in fuel…………….707
Unit pumps…………….708
Air filter pressure…………….710
Temperature induction air…………….711
Charge-air temperature_{10-16-18}…………….712
Boost pressure…………….713
Barometric pressure…………….714
Preheating of inlet air…………….715
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)…………….717
Coolant Level…………….718
Coolant temperature; engine_{10-13-35}…………….719
Coolant temperature; outlet radiator…………….721
Cooling fan adjustment…………….722
Increased fan speed for AC…………….725
Accelerator Pedal…………….726
Hand Throttle…………….728
Increased engine rpm…………….730
Engine speed for V-ECU…………….732
Engine On_Off…………….733
Engine speed for E-ECU_{10-08-47}…………….734
Camshaft speed…………….735
Engine Shutdown…………….736
Time-controlled high idle…………….737
Automatic engine shut-off…………….738
Engine Protection…………….739
Voltage feed for sensors…………….742
Voltage feed E-ECU; I-ECU; V-ECU…………….743
Key feed…………….744
Theft protection…………….745
Starter motor engagement…………….747
Indication of serious engine fault…………….748
Interval Wiper…………….749
Wiping during and after washing…………….750
Fuel consumption…………….751
Reduced computer communication…………….752
Interruption in computer communication…………….753
Service interval…………….754
Washer fluid level…………….755
Outdoor temperature…………….756
APS II…………….761
Fully automatic…………….765
Travelling speed…………….766
Tire radius…………….767
Speed limitation…………….768
Speed limitation for lever steering (CDC)…………….769
Back-up alarm…………….770
Transmission oil pressure…………….771
Transmission oil level…………….773
Transmission oil temperature_{09-55-09}…………….775
Transmission oil temperature_{09-54-45}…………….777
Transmission oil filter…………….779
Turbine speed…………….780
Transmission slipping_{09-53-11}…………….781
Transmission slipping_{09-52-47}…………….782
Transmission disengagement…………….783
Overspeed; transmission…………….785
Gear Selector…………….786
Gearshifting solenoids…………….789
Downshifting signal…………….791
Transmission protection…………….792
Axle oil temperature…………….793
Differential lock …………….795
Brake pressure…………….796
Output brake pressure…………….797
Brake pressure charging…………….798
Brake test…………….800
Parking brake…………….801
Secondary steering_{09-46-46}…………….803
Soft start and safety for AC…………….805
Hydraulic Oil Level…………….808
Hydraulic oil temperature…………….811
Warming of hydraulic oil…………….812
Hydraulic power limitation…………….814
Boom Suspension System (BSS)_{09-44-02}…………….815
Boom Suspension System (BSS)_{09-43-37}…………….819
Attachment locking…………….822
Automatic lift arm lowering (Return to dig)…………….824
Central lubrication…………….826
Central lubrication; status indication…………….827
Setting software parameters…………….828
General fault diagnosis information…………….831
Troubleshooting strategy…………….833
Collection of basic data…………….835
SAE error codes; translation to error messages; general…………….838
Communication with data buses…………….840
Conditions when checking…………….842
Lead and connector checks…………….845
Troubleshooting tools…………….850
Special tools for troubleshooting…………….851
VCADS Pro service tool…………….852
SE504 Monitor brake pressure charging…………….856
SE901_SE902 Sensor; automatic boom kick-out and bucket positioner…………….858
Adapter cable 999 0020 …………….859
Multi-pin breaker box 999 8699…………….861
Extension cable 999 0062…………….862
Template 999 0130…………….863
Template 999 0133…………….864
Adapter cable 951 1355…………….865
Adapter cable 981 3194…………….866
Adapter cable 999 0014…………….867
Adapter cable 999 0020…………….868
Adapter cable 999 0191…………….869
Adapter cable 999 0216…………….870
Adapter cable 999 8505…………….871
Adapter cable 999 8533…………….872
Adapter cable 999 8534…………….873
Adapter cable 999 8563…………….874
Multimeter 981 2519…………….875
Test pins 999 0008…………….876
Service display unit 999 3721…………….877
Extension cable 11 668 006…………….878
Component fault diagnosis; general…………….879
Component fault diagnosis; description…………….880
Test methods; description…………….882
Error texts and troubleshooting information; general…………….884
Error messages by function group…………….885
SAE error codes MID 128 Engine control unit (E-ECU)…………….888
SAE error codes MID 187 Vehicle control unit (V-ECU)…………….889
ERROR Monitoring Engine Oil Level (MID 128 PID 098)…………….890
ERROR Monitoring Engine Oil Level (MID 187 PID 098)…………….892
ERROR Monitoring Engine Oil Pressure (MID 128 PID 100)_{09-15-47}…………….894
ERROR Monitoring Fuel Level (MID 187 PID 096)_{09-14-45}…………….896
ERROR Preheating Relay (MID 128 PID 45)_{09-13-41}…………….899
ERROR Monitoring Charge Air Temp. (MID 128 PID 105)_{09-12-23}…………….902
ERROR Monitoring Engine Air Filter (MID 128 PID 107)_{09-11-15}…………….904
ERROR Monitoring EGR (MID 128 PPID 19)…………….907
ERROR Radiator Fan Control…………….909
ERROR Solenoid valve Reversible fan…………….911
ERROR Monitoring Radiator Fan Revolutions (MID 187 PPID 1161)…………….913
ERROR Monitoring Engine Coolant Temp. (MID 128 PID 110)_{09-04-52}…………….915
ERROR Monitoring Coolant Level (MID 128 PID 111)…………….918
ERROR Monitoring Coolant Outlet Temp. (MID 187 PPID 1157)…………….920
ERROR Accelerator Pedal Reduced Function Activated…………….923
ERROR Accelerator Pedal No Back-up Function…………….926
ERROR Hand throttle…………….928
ERROR Monitoring Engine Revolutions (MID 187 PID 190)…………….930
ERROR Relay Interval Wiper…………….932
Er ambient temperature (MID 187 PID 171)…………….934
ATTENTION! Reduced Computer Function (J1708_J1587)…………….936
ATTENTION! Reduced Computer Function (J1939)…………….939
ERROR E-ECU PID 094…………….944
ERROR E-ECU PID 102_{08-48-44}…………….946
ERROR E-ECU PID 102_{08-47-43}…………….948
ERROR E-ECU PID 108…………….950
ERROR E-ECU PID 172_{08-46-16}…………….951
ERROR E-ECU PID 174…………….954
ERROR E-ECU SID 001 – E-ECU SID 006_{08-43-38}…………….956
ERROR E-ECU SID 021_{08-42-24}…………….959
ERROR E-ECU SID 022_{08-41-12}…………….961
ERROR E-ECU SID 232…………….963
STOP! Turn Off Engine SID 042…………….965
STOP! Turn Off Engine SID 240…………….967
STOP! Turn Off Engine SID 253…………….968
STOP! Turn Off Engine SID 254…………….969
STOP! Turn Off Engine PID 164…………….970
STOP! Turn Off Engine PPID 435…………….972
STOP! Turn Off Engine PSID 096…………….973
STOP! Turn Off Engine PSID 097…………….974
ERROR APS switch_ERROR APS II-switch…………….975
ERROR Monitoring Travel Speed (MID 187 PID 84)…………….977
ERROR Monitoring Transmission Oil Filter (MID 187 PPID 1029)…………….979
ERROR Monitoring Transmission Oil Level (MID 187 PID 124)…………….981
ERROR Monitoring Transmission Oil Pressure (MID 187 PID 127)…………….984
ERROR Monitoring Transmission Oil Temp. (MID 187 PID 177)…………….987
ERROR Monitoring Turbine Revolutions (MID 187 PPID 1160)…………….990
ERROR Gear Selector…………….992
ERROR Gear Selector CDC…………….994
ERROR Gear Selector F_R…………….996
ERROR Gear shifting solenoids…………….998
ERROR Monitoring Axle Oil Temp. (Front axle) (MID 187 PPID 1154)…………….1000
ERROR Monitoring Axle Oil Temp. (Rear axle) (MID 187 PPID 1153)…………….1003
ERROR Differential lock…………….1006
ERROR Solenoid valve Brake pressure charging…………….1008
WARNING! Low Brake Pressure…………….1010
ERROR Monitoring Output Brake Pressure (MID 187 PPID 1155)…………….1012
WARNING Brake Charging Failure…………….1015
ERROR Parking Brake…………….1017
ERROR Parking Brake Circuit…………….1019
ERROR Secondary Steering Relay…………….1021
ERROR Lever Steering CDC…………….1023
ERROR AC-system See operators manual…………….1024
ERROR Central Lubrication System…………….1026
ERROR Monitoring Hydraulic Oil Temp. (MID 187 PPID 1041)…………….1027
ERROR Relay BSS…………….1032
ERROR Monitoring Steering System Oil Pressure (SE601) (MID 187 PPID 1046)…………….1034
ERROR Monitoring Steering System Oil Pressure (SE602) (MID 187 PSID 1303)…………….1036
ERROR Sol. valve Attachment lock…………….1038
ERROR Pressure regulator RTD…………….1040
ERROR Relay Hold position…………….1042
ERROR Solenoid valve Hydraulic power limitation…………….1044
RE Relay; general check…………….1046
Instrument control unit I-ECU; error symptom…………….1048
Instrument control unit I-ECU; changing…………….1049
Engine control unit E-ECU; error symptom…………….1051
Engine control unit E-ECU; changing_{08-00-45}…………….1052
Vehicle control unit V-ECU; error symptom…………….1054
Vehicle control unit V-ECU; changing…………….1056
Connecting special tools…………….1059
31 – BATTERY…………….1062
Battery; description…………….1063
Battery; weight…………….1064
Battery; specification…………….1065
Battery; charging…………….1066
Battery; changing…………….1067
Alternator; specifications…………….1070
Alternator; description…………….1071
Alternator; replacing incl function checking…………….1072
33 – STARTING SYSTEM…………….1077
Starter motor; specifications…………….1078
Starting system; description…………….1079
Preheating; specifications…………….1080
Preheating coil; description…………….1081
Preheating; description…………….1082
35 – LIGHTING…………….1083
Lighting; specifications…………….1084
Lighting; description…………….1085
Connectors; position…………….1088
Connectors; overview…………….1097
Instrument control unit I-ECU; functional description…………….1101
Vehicle control unit V-ECU; description…………….1103
Engine control unit E-ECU; description…………….1105
37 – CABLE; FUSE; RELAY…………….1107
Electrical symbols and designations…………….1110
Cable and component designations…………….1113
Cable and component marking explanations…………….1115
Communication cable explanation…………….1117
Circuit list…………….1119
Component list 1 alternator; batteries; capacitors; electronic units…………….1123
Component list 6 control-; warning lights…………….1125
Component list 2 diodes…………….1127
Component list 3 fuses…………….1129
Component list 4 heating coils; instruments; service connections…………….1138
Component list 5 lights…………….1140
Component list Motors; resistors; monitoring system…………….1143
Component list 9 relays…………….1145
Component list 11 sensors…………….1148
Component list 10 Signals; shift solenoids…………….1153
Component list 7 solenoid valves…………….1155
Component list 12 switches…………….1157
Wiring diagram 1…………….1161
Wiring diagram 2…………….1163
Wiring diagram 3…………….1166
Wiring diagram 4…………….1169
Wiring diagram 5…………….1171
Wiring diagram 6…………….1174
Wiring diagram 7…………….1176
Wiring diagram 8…………….1179
Wiring diagram 9…………….1181
Wiring diagram 9B…………….1183
Wiring diagram 10…………….1185
Wiring diagram 11…………….1187
Wiring diagram 12…………….1189
Wiring diagram 13…………….1190
Wiring diagram 15B…………….1192
Wiring diagram 16…………….1194
Wiring diagram 17…………….1197
Wiring diagram 17 Updateted CDC…………….1199
Wiring diagram 18…………….1201
Wiring diagram 19…………….1203
Wiring diagram 19C…………….1206
Wiring diagram 20…………….1208
Wiring diagram 21…………….1210
Wiring diagram 21B…………….1214
Wiring diagram 21C…………….1216
Wiring diagram 22…………….1218
Wiring diagram 23…………….1220
Wiring diagram 24…………….1222
Wiring diagram 25…………….1225
Wiring diagram 26…………….1227
Wiring diagram 27…………….1229
Wiring diagram 28…………….1231
Wiring diagram 29…………….1233
Wiring diagram 30…………….1236
Wiring diagram 31…………….1240
Wiring diagram 32…………….1243
Wiring diagram 33…………….1245
Wiring diagram 34…………….1249
Wiring diagram 35…………….1251
Wiring diagram 101…………….1252
Wiring diagram 102…………….1253
Wiring diagram 103…………….1255
Wiring diagram 107…………….1257
Alternator; 120 amp HD…………….1258
Abbreviations; wiring diagrams…………….1260
Electrical distribution box; description…………….1261
Frame ground connections and signal ground…………….1263
Middle instrument panel with warning lights…………….1268
Information display; general…………….1270
Display panel and keypad; general…………….1272
Display panel; initial display…………….1275
Display panel; operating display…………….1277
Information display unit; setting_{06-58-53}…………….1279
Information display unit; setting_{06-58-26}…………….1282
Display panel; information displays…………….1285
Service display unit; general…………….1290
Service display unit; engine…………….1293
Service display unit; settings…………….1295
Service display unit; electrical system battery voltage…………….1299
Service display unit; electrical control input signals 1…………….1300
Service display unit; electrical control input signals 2…………….1304
Service display unit; electrical control input signals 3…………….1306
Service display unit; electrical control output signals 1…………….1309
Service display unit; electrical control output signals 2…………….1313
Service panel; electrical feed sensor…………….1315
Service display unit; transmission…………….1316
Service display unit; axles and brakes…………….1318
Service display unit; hydraulics…………….1320
40 – GENERAL…………….1322
General description …………….1323
Torque converter; specifications…………….1326
Torque converter; weight…………….1327
Torque converter; tightening torque…………….1328
Description …………….1329
Torque converter; removing; installing…………….1332
Hydraulic transmission; volume…………….1338
Hydraulic transmission; weight…………….1339
Hydraulic transmission; specifications…………….1340
Hydraulic transmission; description…………….1341
Gearshifting; description…………….1354
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{06-42-01}…………….1358
Transmission oil pressure; checking_{06-41-33}…………….1363
Gear selector valve; removing and installing-[4053]…………….1368
Gear selector valve; removing and installing…………….1376
Gear selector valve; measuring resistance of solenoids…………….1384
Transmission; removing…………….1386
Transmission; installing…………….1390
45 – PROPELLER SHAFT…………….1394
Propeller shaft; tightening torque…………….1395
46 – FRONT AXLE; REAR AXLE…………….1396
Final drive…………….1398
Planetary gear…………….1400
Hub; changing seal …………….1401
Front axle; specification…………….1410
Front axle; weight…………….1411
Front axle; capacity…………….1412
Front axle; tightening torque…………….1413
Hub; changing seal_{06-30-28}…………….1414
Hub seal; replacing_{06-29-45}…………….1423
Drive shaft; changing …………….1440
Front axle; removing…………….1446
Front axle; installing…………….1450
Rear axle; specification…………….1452
Rear axle; weight…………….1453
Rear axle; capacity…………….1454
Rear axle; tightening torques…………….1455
Measuring axial and radial play; rear axle mounting…………….1456
Drive shaft; changing…………….1458
Hub; changing seal…………….1463
Rear axle; removing…………….1472
Rear axle; installing…………….1475
Differential lock…………….1478
Sensor for differential lock; adjusting…………….1480
5 – BRAKE…………….1483
50 – GENERAL…………….1484
General description…………….1485
51 – WHEEL BRAKE…………….1490
Wear indicator; description…………….1491
Brake discs; checking wear…………….1492
Brake discs; changing…………….1496
Front wheel brakes; specification…………….1505
Front wheel brakes; weight…………….1506
Front wheel brakes; tightening torques…………….1507
Rear wheel brakes; specifications…………….1508
Rear wheel brakes; weight…………….1509
Rear wheel brakes; tightening torques…………….1510
Hydraulic pump (P3); specifications…………….1512
Brake system; retardation; checking function…………….1513
Brake system hydraulic function; checking…………….1515
Pressure in circuit; checking and adjusting…………….1520
Brake system; bleeding…………….1523
Brake valve; specifications…………….1525
Foot brake valve; description…………….1526
Foot brake pedal; adjusting angle and pedal clearance…………….1530
Foot brake valve removed; reconditioning…………….1531
Brake accumulator; specifications…………….1534
Brake accumulator; capacity…………….1535
Accumulator; checking (removed)…………….1536
55 – PARKING BRAKE…………….1538
Parking brake; specifications…………….1539
Parking brake; description…………….1540
Parking brake; mechanical release…………….1543
6 – STEERING…………….1544
60 – GENERAL…………….1545
Steering; description…………….1546
Steering; function description…………….1548
64 – STEERING…………….1557
Steering; specification…………….1558
Steering; hydraulic equipment; specifications…………….1559
Steering; hydraulic equipment; tightening torques…………….1560
Hydraulic pump; description …………….1561
Steering cylinder; sectional view…………….1564
Steering valve; description…………….1565
Shift valve; description…………….1570
Shift valve; function description…………….1572
Steering pressure; checking and adjusting…………….1577
Stand-by pressure Pump 1 (P1) and Pump 2 (P2); checking and adjusting …………….1580
Hydraulic pump; standby pressure; checking and adjusting …………….1585
Checking LS-pressure for pump 1 (P1) and pump 2 (P2) …………….1590
Flow control Pump 1 (P1) and Pump 2 (P2) …………….1591
Steer cylinder; left; changing…………….1592
Steering valve; replacing…………….1601
Steering valve; reconditioning (removed)…………….1604
Secondary steering; description…………….1612
Function test; secondary steering_{06-06-51}…………….1616
66 – LEVEL STEERING…………….1618
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering – Image…………….1619
Comfort Drive Control; description-[0551]…………….1621
Comfort Drive Control; description…………….1623
Electrical system; description…………….1626
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering_{06-03-46}…………….1628
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering_{06-03-19}…………….1631
Lever steering; adjusting steering speed…………….1634
Lever steering CDC; checking steering signals…………….1636
Lever steering; checking and adjusting control valve…………….1639
Control valve; description …………….1641
70 – GENERAL…………….1644
Frame; description…………….1645
71 – FRAME…………….1649
Frame; specifications…………….1650
Frame; tightening torque…………….1651
Counterweight; weight…………….1652
Counterweight; replacing…………….1653
77 – WHEELS; TRACKS; TYRE; HUB; DRUM…………….1658
Wheels; specifications…………….1659
Wheel; weight…………….1660
Wheel; tightening torque…………….1661
Wheel; removing and installing…………….1662
80 – GENERAL…………….1666
Cab; description…………….1667
81 – CAB; NAKED; CANOPY…………….1669
Cab; weight…………….1670
Cab; removing…………….1671
Cab; installing…………….1678
Cab suspension; description…………….1685
Viscous cab suspension; changing one unit…………….1687
Engine hood; removing_{05-48-03}…………….1693
Engine hood; removing_{05-47-21}…………….1699
Engine hood; installing_{05-46-31}…………….1705
Operator's seat; weight…………….1711
Climate control system; description…………….1713
Air distribution; specifications…………….1716
Fan motor; changing …………….1717
AC software-controlled; description …………….1723
Fan motor; changing…………….1726
Heater core; changing…………….1732
Heat control valve; changing…………….1735
Air conditioning; specifications…………….1738
Air conditioning unit; specifications…………….1740
Air conditioning; tightening torques…………….1742
Air conditioning; refrigerant; weight…………….1743
Air conditioning; description…………….1745
AC relay-controlled; description…………….1750
AC software-controlled; description…………….1753
AC safety; relay-controlled; description…………….1756
ATC; description…………….1757
Evaporator in air conditioning system; cleaning…………….1762
Air conditioning; checking performance…………….1766
Air conditioning; troubleshooting; software-controlled ATC…………….1768
90 – GENERAL…………….1771
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering – Image…………….1772
Hydraulic diagram; steering – Image…………….1774
Hydraulic diagram; reversible fan; brake system – Image…………….1777
Hydraulic diagram; fan; brake system – Image…………….1778
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock; BSS – Image…………….1780
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock – Image…………….1781
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock; BSS; attachment lock; 3rd_4th function – Image…………….1783
Hydraulic diagram; complete – Image…………….1784
Explanations to hydraulic diagram…………….1787
Safety when working on hydraulic systems…………….1796
Hydraulic diagram; complete_{05-28-22}…………….1799
Hydraulic diagram; complete_{05-27-54}…………….1803
Hydraulic diagram; complete_{05-27-27}…………….1806
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock; BSS; attachment lock; 3rd_4th function…………….1809
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock_{05-26-14}…………….1812
Hydraulic diagram; working hydraulics; differential lock; BSS…………….1815
Hydraulic diagram; fan; brake system_{05-25-00}…………….1818
Hydraulic diagram; reversible fan; brake system…………….1821
Hydraulic diagram; steering_{05-23-39}…………….1824
Hydraulic diagram; steering_{05-23-12}…………….1827
Hydraulic diagram; steering_{05-22-44}…………….1830
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering_{05-22-03}…………….1833
Hydraulic diagram; steering with CDC and secondary steering_{05-21-35}…………….1836
Hydraulic system; volume…………….1839
Hydraulic system; description…………….1840
Hydraulic system; bleeding…………….1843
Discarded accumulators…………….1845
Function times; specifications…………….1849
Working hydraulic system; description…………….1850
Working hydraulic system; component location…………….1851
Working hydraulics; troubleshooting…………….1853
Hydraulic oil tank; vacuum-pumping; connecting and disconnecting pump…………….1857
Hydraulic connections; tightening torques…………….1859
Hydraulic oil tank; description…………….1861
Hydraulic couplings; description…………….1862
Control valve; specifications…………….1863
Central block; specifications…………….1864
Control valve; description…………….1865
Central block; description…………….1883
Shock valve lift function; checking…………….1886
Shock valve; tilt function; checking…………….1889
Hydraulic pump (P1); specifications…………….1892
Hydraulic pump (P2); specifications…………….1893
Hydraulic pump; description…………….1894
Hydraulic pumps; description…………….1897
Hydraulic pump; standby pressure; checking and adjusting…………….1898
Stand-by pressure Pump 1 (P1) and Pump 2 (P2); checking and adjusting…………….1903
Hydraulic pump; max working pressure; checking and adjusting…………….1908
Working pressure Pump 1 (P1) and Pump 2 (P2); checking and adjustment…………….1912
Flow control Pump 1 (P1) and Pump 2 (P2)…………….1916
Checking LS-pressure for pump 1 (P1) and pump 2 (P2)…………….1917
Servo system; specifications…………….1918
Servo system; description…………….1919
Automatic lift arm lowering (Return-To-Dig); description…………….1922
Return To Dig; component position…………….1924
Valve block for Return To Dig; description…………….1926
Servo pressure; checking and adjusting…………….1928
Servo valve; operating controls; adjusting…………….1930
Servo valve; replacing…………….1933
Boom Suspension System; description…………….1935
Boom Suspension System; description of function…………….1937
Boom Suspension System; specifications…………….1941
Boom Suspension System; tightening torques…………….1942
Boom Suspension System; component description…………….1943
Boom Suspension System; troubleshooting_{04-58-11}…………….1947
Precharge pressure in accumulators; checking and adjusting…………….1949
Boom suspension system; hydraulic oil pressure in accumulators; depressurizing…………….1952
Boom Suspension System; pressure-reducing valve; adjusting…………….1955
Boom suspension system; test drive with load…………….1956
Boom suspension system; accumulator; changing…………….1959
Boom suspension system; reconditioning accumulator…………….1962
3rd; alternatively 3rd_4th hydraulic function; description…………….1964
3rd; alternatively 3rd_4th hydraulic function; max. pressure; checking and adjusting…………….1965
Hydraulic attachment lock with raised servo pressure; description…………….1969
Hydraulic attachment lock (software-controlled); description…………….1972
Attachment bracket cylinder; reconditioning…………….1975
Attachment locking hydraulic cylinder (vision-optimised bracket); replacing…………….1977
Implemental attachment hydraulic cylinder; replacing…………….1979
94 – UNIT; LOAD HANDLING…………….1981
Boom and cylinders; specifications…………….1982
Boom; description…………….1983
Lifting cylinder…………….1985
Tilting cylinder…………….1986
99 – MISCELLANEOUS…………….1987
Central lubrication system; specifications…………….1988
Lubrication cycle; description…………….1990
Pressure monitor; description…………….1992
Central lubrication system; description…………….1996
Selecting lubrication cycle…………….1998
Volvo L120E Wheel Loaders Workshop Service Repair Manual